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An explanation of the Configuration page settings

Peter Brooksbank avatar
Written by Peter Brooksbank
Updated over a week ago

Store Settings

These settings control general information about your store that is used by PureClarity.

Store settings
  • Timezone - Controls the timezone that your store resides in. This is used primarily for analytics and start/end dates of campaigns and popups.

  • Currency - This specifies the default currency your store uses. This dictates the currency shown throughout the admin and, in cases where the data is unavailable, is used as a fallback for the currency.

  • IP Filter - We understand that many sites may use external tools to track uptime and similar metrics, typically by loading the site. This can trigger page views, artificially inflating the number of impressions and impacting the analytics. To prevent this you can specify the IP addresses of these services and PureClarity won't record data for requests originating from the IPs. This is also useful for excluding traffic from your office. Content will still be returned for requests from these IPs.

Search Recommender Settings

These settings help provide context for recommenders on search pages.

search recommender settings
  • Search URL - The URL of the search results page. This normally only needs changing if you are using something different from your platforms default, or if you are working on a bespoke implementation.

  • Query String Parameter - The query string parameter that is appended to the URL by the platform. This normally only needs changing if you are using something different from your platforms default, or if you are working on a bespoke implementation.

Notification Settings

Dictates if notifications should be sent to you when certain events happen.

notification settings
  • Send an email when a feed fails - This will email the account holder whenever a feed fails to process. As feeds dictate the products, categories and brands in PureClarity, this notification allows you to respond quickly to issues in the feed.

Customer Privacy Settings

These settings help you to comply with local privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA by preventing tracking until PureClarity is informed that the shopper has given consent.

  • Only track shoppers when cookie consent obtained - When enabled this will prevent PureClarity from using cookies to track shoppers on your store until an event is sent by the store informing PureClarity that cookie consent has been given. When disabled PureClarity will always track users via cookies.

Note that for BigCommerce users this is automatically handled by the BigCommerce cookie consent banner and no action needs to be taken.

For users on other platforms please see our documentation on informing PureClarity of cookie consent and what will happen until consent is granted.

Recommender Settings

Controls general settings that apply to all product recommenders.

recommender settings
  • Minimum recommender items - The default minimum number of items to show in a product recommender. If less products than this are found, then the recommender will not be shown. Can be overridden when creating or editing a product recommender campaign.

  • Maximum recommender items - The default maximum number of items to show in a product recommender. Can be overridden when creating or editing a product recommender campaign.

Chat Settings

These settings control various aspects of the live chat.

chat settings
  • Use chat - This setting controls whether or not chat is enabled on the store.

  • Send an email when a new chat is started - When enabled if no admin user is present in the admin chat and a shopper starts a chat, an email will be sent to the account holder informing them that a shopper is attempting to use the live chat.

  • Background Color - Sets the background colour for the live chat icon that appears on the store.

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