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Magento 2.x - Feed Status

An overview of the each status type of data feeds.

Peter Brooksbank avatar
Written by Peter Brooksbank
Updated over a week ago

A panel on the dashboard page gives you an overview of the status of each of the types of feed.

Not Sent

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "Not Sent" (orange filled circle)

If no feeds have yet been sent from your store, then this status will show.

Waiting for feed run to start

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "Waiting for feed run to start" (orange dotted circle)

If feeds have been requested, but the cron job that runs them has not started yet, then this status will show.

In Progress: X% / Waiting for other feeds to finish

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "In progress" (green dotted circle) and "Waiting for other feeds to finish" (orange dotted circle)

If the feed runner cron job has started, and is processing a feed, then this status will show.

Lest sent – DD/MM/YY

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "Last sent Date" (green filled circle)

Once feeds have run successfully, this status will show.

Error, please see logs for information

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "Error, please see logs for more information" (red filled circle)

If an error occurs when transmitting the feed to PureClarity, then this status will show. See the troubleshooting page for more info.

Not Enabled

Feeds box showing all feeds with a status of "Not Enabled" (grey filled circle)

If PureClarity is disabled on your store, or the Brand feed is not set up, then “Not Enabled” will show.

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