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Campaign List

The list of campaigns you have created

John Barton avatar
Written by John Barton
Updated over a week ago

To get started with campaigns, click "Campaigns" in the menu. This will show all the campaigns you have set up.

Getting Started

If you haven't created any campaigns, you will see options for automatically creating some campaigns to show our automated recommendations on your site. Depending on what e-commerce platform you are using, PureClarity will create a series of campaigns to show our product recommendations on several types of page.

You can always create campaigns to show recommendations yourself if you prefer. You might want to start with showing just 1 or 2 recommendations for example.

Embedded Recommender Campaigns

These campaigns are our recommended way to add our product recommendations to your site. The campaigns PureClarity adds will be shown in the zones we automatically add to your site. You may need to move these zones depending on your store. These campaigns will appear amongst all the other content on your site.

Floating Recommender Campaigns

These campaigns will appear at the bottom of your site, and will "pop up" over your site content. They are useful if you do not want to alter the design of your site, but still want to show personalised recommendations. They have the added advantage of being visible to all customers - which can increase the number of customers who engage with the recommendations.

Campaign List

Once you have created a campaign, your campaigns will appear in a list. You can use the filters to quickly find the campaigns for each page or individual zone. If you are using tags to group campaigns, you can filter by tag as well.

Each rows shows:

  • Where a campaign will be shown

  • Who it is being shown to

  • The type of content.

  • If the campaign is published, and if it is, you can turn it on and off.

  • There are options to edit, duplicate and delete the campaign as well.

For each zone, the campaigns are listed in the order PureClarity will try them. This helps you to quickly work out who will see what content in each zone.

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