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Managing Chat conversations

How to manage conversations from within PureClarity Admin

Peter Brooksbank avatar
Written by Peter Brooksbank
Updated over a week ago

Chat notifications

You'll be notified that a new conversation has started by a notification icon that appears on any page in the top right hand corner of the PureClarity Admin site.

You can click this icon to go straight to the conversations page.

Alternatively, select 'Chat' from the admin menu and click on 'Conversations'.

Note: You can also choose to receive emails when a conversation starts. To see how to enable this, go to the setup page guide

Conversation page

Any chats that you get from your customers will appear here, with a list of all conversations on the left hand side of the page.

Conversations list

In the left hand panel, you will see a list of all current conversations.

If the customer is still on the site, then the conversation will show as normal.

If they have left the site, then it will display with this indicated.

Click on a conversation in the conversation list, will bring up more information, and the conversation will have a blue highlight in the list.

With a conversation selected the page has 2 extra panels:

  • Chat panel - Shows you the currently selected conversation, you can reply here

  • User information panel - shows you useful information about the activity that that current customer has done on your site

Chat Panel

The chat panel is where you can see the full conversation history and add new replies.

Replying to a message

There are 2 ways you can reply to a conversation.

The simplest way it to type in the text box at the bottom on the panel and hit the reply button to send.

The other option is to press the search icon next to the reply button, to bring up a product search. Type your search in and products will show in a list.

Then click on a product to send the customer a link to that product

This will be shown to the customer on your store and they can click on the product to go to the details page.

User information panel

On the right side of the conversations page, you can view various data related to the customer.

Personalised recommendations

The top section will show any recommendations for the customer, based on their activity on the store, this is based on the customer's individual viewing and purchasing history.

There are 2 buttons on each of these rows:

Clicking this icon will add the product to the conversation, in the same way as using the chat panel to search for a product and clicking it from the search list as outlined above. The customer will be sent a link to the product page.

The second button allows you to see recommendations related to that product. Clicking the button will bring up a popup that will show the following relations:

  • People who bought this also bough

  • Frequently bought in the same order

  • Frequently viewed together with this product

Current Session

The second section of the user information panel shows data related to their current session such as device, pages viewed, current page, items viewed and cart total.

Other information

If the customer has previously visited the site, you will also be able to view past information on the customer, such as past order totals and past product views.

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