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Live Chat Setup

A walk-through of the settings available in the chat setup page

John Barton avatar
Written by John Barton
Updated over a week ago

Setup page is where you can control various aspects of the chat. To access the chat setup page, click on 'Chat' in the PureClarity Admin menu, then click 'Setup'.

You'll see a page with a few different boxes of settings, with a 'Save chat setup' button at the top. If you make any changes to any settings on this page, press 'Save chat setup' button to save the changes. All settings changed will take effect immediately.

Status Settings

This controls whether chat is enabled, see the 'Getting Started' guide for more information.

New Chat Notification Email Settings

This setting controls whether an email will be sent when a new live chat conversation is started by a customer on your site.

If you enable 'Send an email when a new chat is started' you must then provide an email address to send the conversation started email to.

NOTE: This does not affect the notification that appears in PureClarity, at the top of the page.

Chat Log Email Settings

These settings control whether the log of a chat conversation is forwarded to an email address, these logs are sent when the customer leaves the site. There are 3 modes for this

  • Always - Conversations will always be forwarded to the chosen email address. This is useful for archiving chat messages, or integrating your live chats into another support system.

  • Forward when no operator replied. Conversations will only be forwarded if they did not get a response to a message they sent. This is useful for recording conversations that were not answered, for example if the customer visited outside of office hours. You could combine this with an out of hours chat message requesting the customer leaves their contact details.

  • Never - (Default) - Conversations will never be forwarded.

When you choose a mode other than 'Never' an email address is required for this feature to work:

Display Settings

There are various aspects of the the styling of the chat box that you can control from here. Use these to style the live chat to fit into your store's theme.

Background & Text Colours

You can alter the colours and text shown in the live chat.

You can manually enter in HTML colour codes (as shown above) or choose by clicking the colour box at the end of the field, which will open up a colour picker.

An example of 2 different configurations for the text & background colour.

Chat input box message

You can change the placeholder message that appears in the text box where customers send their message.

An example of 2 different usages:

Chat box header

The 'Chat box header' settings control whether the header bar appears at the top of the chat or not, and what text is shown in the header if it shows.

This example shows the chat box header enabled vs disabled:


This controls whether an additional indicator is shown on your site to highlight that customers can use the live chat, and also the message that appears in the signposting. It will appear a few seconds after the page has loaded.

The signpost will appear like this on the site:

If disabled, then only the chat bubble icon in the circle will appear, and the customer will click on the bubble to open the chat.

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