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Creating a Segment

How to create a segment in PureClarity

Peter Brooksbank avatar
Written by Peter Brooksbank
Updated over a week ago

PureClarity provides you with multiple ways in which to build Audience Segments. We'll cover the Segment builder tool in detail and how you can create both single and multiple condition segments.

To find out where these can be used in PureClarity, please head to this article to find out more. To learn more about Audience Segments check out this article.

Creating a Segment

Whenever you create a Campaign, Popup or Auto Live Chat Message in PureClarity, you'll get the choice to select a Segment to target your content at. To select an existing segment, you can hit the drop down menu and pick from one of our pre-defined Segments, or a Segment you have previously built.

You can create a new segment by selecting 'Create Segment' in the top right of the Segment selector box.

Once selected you'll be taken to our Segment creation tool. This is where you can build and create your own custom segments. To start, you'll want to give your Segment a name. You can also add tags to your Segments for easier referencing later on.

Once you've named your Segment, select the 'Add Conditions' button below - this will then provide you with a list of multiple conditions that you can base your Segment on.

Segment Conditions

Segment conditions are hugely powerful and detailed within PureClarity, and give you multiple ways in which you can craft an Audience Segment.

Each condition within PureClarity, contains multiple options - when you select any of the conditions, you'll then be given those options.

The options you'll be given vary dependant on condition, for example, you'll be presented with different options for the 'Visit' condition as apposed to the example shown above.

You can combine Segment Conditions by selecting multiple 'AND' and 'OR' conditions within a Segment - these can be selecting the relevant button in the Segment Creator.

These are particularly useful when you want to be extremely targeted with your Segment. An example could be when you want to target customers who have visited your site more than once, and have yet to make a purchase.

Once you've added any conditions, hit the 'Set' button to set that condition, and when you have finished building your Segment select 'SAVE' in the top right hand corner to save the Segment for future use.

If at any time you need help, or want some advice when creating your Segment Conditions, please contact our Customer Success team who'll be happy to help.

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