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Shopify Installation

Using the PureClarity Shopify App from the Shopify Marketplace

John Barton avatar
Written by John Barton
Updated over a week ago


This article gives details on how to integrate PureClarity with your Shopify store.

NOTE: The app can be found on the Shopify App Store


Once you have installed the app and approved the permissions, you will be prompted to choose the plan. PureClarity offers 2 types of plan for Shopify.

Pick a plan type and select how many page impressions your site gets in a month. You can always change your selected plan later if you are unsure.

Click Start Trial to get going.

Personalised Recommendations

This plan is suitable for smaller stores, up to 100k page views per month, that want to get going with PureClarity quickly. You will be able to use our automated product recommendations that show personalised product recomemndations that change as the user navigates your site.

This plan starts from just $39/month if your site has less than 25k page views a month.

Personalisation Suite

Our personalisation suite allows you full control over our product recommendations allowing you to change the style depending on where on the site the recommendations are showing. You will also get detailed statistics for each area where they are shown.

As well as product recommendations you will also be able to fully personalise your customers experience on your site. Choose different content to show based on who they are, as well as showing different pop ups and automated chat bot messaging.

We recommend this plan for larger stores, or for store owners who want to maximise their conversion rate and turn visitors into loyal customers.

This plan starts from just $99 for all our features, if your store has less than 25k page impressions a month.


Once you have clicked Start Trial and approved the Shopify charge, PureClarity will set up your account. This typcially takes under a minute, so sit tight!


PureClarity will automatically import your products, collections, users and order history. PureClarity uses this to:

  • Learn relationships between products, to offer up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

  • Learn what your existing customers have done on your site so PureClarity can personalise their experience

  • Allow you create different experiences for different customer segments (personalisation suite plan only)


If you chose the automated recommender plan you will see a simple wizard that guides you through setting up PureClarity. This typically takes just a few minutes and your customers will soon start to see product recomemndations.

The recommendations wll improve over the next 24hrs as PureClarity completes importing your store data.

You can find more details on our automated recommender plan here.


If you chose the personalisation suite plan you will be taken straight to the PureClarity dashboard.

As part of our commitment to helping you get the most out of PureClarity, our personalisation suite plans come with access to a dedicated success manager. We encourage you to book in a call straight away. Your success manager will guide you through getting started, and will arrange monthly calls after your free trial to help you get the most from the platform.

If you want to start to use PureClarity yourself you are of course free to! Pleas note that the import can take some time due to the rate PureClarity can talk to your shop. Feel free to come back later.

We recommend you follow our getting started guide. This guides you through enabling PureClarity on your themes and showing your first PureClarity campaigns.

For Online 2.0 themes, follow our Getting Started Guide for Online Store 2.0 Themes

For vintage (older) themes, follow our Getting Started Guide for Vintage Themes


PureClarity comes with a 7 day free trial for the automated recommender plan, and a 30 day free trial for the personalisation suite. This allows you to try out all of our features and see the benefits for yourself.


As a Shopify customer you will be billed via your Shopify account every 30 days after your free trial ends. Click on "Billing Management" on the Dashboard, or go to "My Account" -> "Billing" to see when you will next be billed.

PureClarity offers a tiered pricing structure. You can find out more about our pricing on our pricing page. You can change to the most appropriate plan at any time. You will be redirected to Shopify to authorise the change to your charge.

If your usage goes over the maximum for your chosen plan you will be prompted via email and in the app to upgrade to a higher plan.

During this time PureClarity will attempt to contact you in order to solve this issue and answer any questions you might have regarding the payment increase. Eventually, if after a notable amount of time we have failed to make contact or the increase has not been authorised, we may suspend the service until this issue is resolved.

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